Magical Overlayfs Make System Partition Become read-write

Make read-only System Partition Become read-write
Magical Overlayfs Make System Partition Become read-write

On Android 10+, system partitions might no longer be able to remount as read-write. For devices use dynnamic partition, it is nearly impossible to modify system partiton as there is no space left. This module solves these problem by using OverlayFS.

OverlayFS is a union mount filesystem implementation for Linux. It combines multiple different underlying mount points into one, resulting in single directory structure that contains underlying files and sub-directories from all sources. Common applications overlay a read/write partition over a read-only partition, such as with LiveCDs and IoT devices with limited flash memory write cycles.


  • Adopt new feature from KernelSU and mount legacy by default
  • OverlayFS MUST be supported by kernel

Download v3.2.2 | 6.67 MB

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